please see attachment
• Review the Learning Resources on biological development in adolescence and on
body image and body shaming. Consider connections between biological
development, adolescence, body shaming, and eating disorders.
• Search for pro-anorexia websites and use one for this Assignment.
• Review theoretical models, considering one that may be appropriate to use with
adolescents experiencing eating disorders.
Submit a 2- to 4-page paper on eating disorders in adolescence. In your
• Describe the role of peer relationships on the development of feeding and eating
disorders in adolescence.
• Describe the role of social media and body shaming on feeding and eating
disorders in adolescence.
• Identify one website addressing the phenomenon of pro anorexia and describe
the content (provide the webpage URL). Why might adolescents be drawn to this
• Describe the biological, psychological, and social effects of feeding and eating
disorders in adolescence.
• Identify and explain a theoretical model that can be used when working with
adolescents experiencing feeding and eating disorders. (As a social worker)
• Describe two approaches that you might find useful as a (social worker) for
addressing feeding and eating disorders among adolescents.
Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.