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Probation sentences are used more often than any other sentencing option in the United States for correctional purposes. As a result, there are benefits and drawbacks to the system.

Assignment Details Probation sentences are used more often than any other sentencing option in the United States for correctional purposes. As a result, there are benefits and drawbacks to the system. Using the knowledge that you have gained from this week’s reading assignments, Intellipath and MUSE assets, and other information provided, address the following questions […]

To work on this task, use the “Labs on Demand Assessment Environment and DVD Database” found in the Web Links section. In this environment, you will be able to write and test your PostgreSQL code and access the

To work on this task, use the “Labs on Demand Assessment Environment and DVD Database”found in the Web Links section. In this environment, you will be able to write and test yourPostgreSQL code and access the database to complete this task.Plan for and compose the sections of a real-world business report that can be created […]

Oral Traditions & Culture After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss how your own cultural practices, traditions, and stories have shaped you as a person. Explain how

Oral Traditions & Culture After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss how your own cultural practices, traditions, and stories have shaped you as a person. Explain how Jamaica Kincaid’s story is relatable or unrelatable.Think about it from several perspectives, personal, historical, political, or even ethical.Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and […]

Public Policy Sentiment & Controversy Background: You have carefully crafted an extensive presentation about the policy you have targeted for analysis in your previous assignments from W

Public Policy Sentiment & Controversy Background: You have carefully crafted an extensive presentation about the policy you have targeted for analysis in your previous assignments from Weeks 2, 3, and 4. You have supplied your stakeholders with the information they need to make an informed decision. You must provide them with material they can take […]

Public Policy Sentiment & Controversy Background: You have carefully crafted an extensive presentation about the policy you have targeted for analysis in your previous assignments

Public Policy Sentiment & Controversy Background: You have carefully crafted an extensive presentation about the policy you have targeted for analysis in your previous assignments from Weeks 2, 3, and 4. You have supplied your stakeholders with the information they need to make an informed decision. You must provide them with material they can take […]

Describe two takeaways (topic/information you learned) from this course that might be helpful for your future practice as a professional nurse. In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the questio

Describe two takeaways (topic/information you learned) from this course that might be helpful for your future practice as a professional nurse.In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question as your headings AND cite at least one scholarlyreference in all of your responses. Do not use […]

You are required to support your discussion by applying profiling theory, concepts, and terminology that you have learned in this course. Discussions should be supportive of the opinions and positions presented and demonstrate you

You are required to support your discussion by applyingprofiling theory, concepts, and terminology that you havelearned in this course. Discussions should be supportiveof the opinions and positions presented and demonstrateyour understanding and application of profiling concepts.The most successful postings will demonstrate more thanmere opinion, but instead, demonstrate solidunderstanding of profiling theory (scientific andnonscientific) concepts, constructs, […]

Holmes & Holmes (2009) outline the organized/disorganized model of crime scene analysis within this unit’s assigned readings. The approach requires that the profiler move beyond the static nature of

Holmes & Holmes (2009) outline theorganized/disorganized model of crime scene analysiswithin this unit’s assigned readings. The approachrequires that the profiler move beyond the static natureof evidence and use the items to make greater analysis ofthe offender. In policing, officers and detectives oftenassume a linear approach to the evidence field, using thearticles as a means to […]

Option #2: A Case Study on Apple: Should U.S. and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? Read the attached case study Download case study and then

Option #2: A Case Study on Apple: Should U.S. and Global Regulators Take a Bigger Tax Bite Out of Technology Companies? Read the attached case study Download case study and then answer the following requirements: In your opinion, to what extent should the design and creation of intellectual property in the U.S. influence and trigger U.S. taxation? […]

Topic 1: Your socialization experiences as a child focusing on learned gender roles Topic 2: Your experience with stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination (based on race, gender, culture, sexual orientation

In this assessment, you will be required to write a sociological paper that explores an aspect of your personal experiences through a sociological lens. You will choose one topic from the list provided and develop a comprehensive analysis using sociological theories and doing website research. This paper aims to connect your lived experiences with broader […]

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