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whether or not it is possible to protect vulnerable groups in research.

please help me reply two peers
Colleen Gamboa
Hello Class,
I do think it is possible to safeguard vulnerable groups in research. The ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are instrumental in securing these populations’ protection. Autonomy means respecting an individual’s right to make informed, voluntary decisions. In research, this entails providing comprehensive information to participants, especially vulnerable groups like incarcerated pregnant women, ensuring they understand their rights and the study’s implications before consenting. Beneficence involves maximizing benefits and minimizing harm. Researchers should structure studies to maximize participant gains while minimizing potential harm. Non-maleficence requires avoiding harm to participants, physically or mentally. This is crucial, especially with vulnerable groups involved. Justice pertains to fairly distributing research benefits and burdens. Researchers must ensure unbiased participant selection and equitable sharing of research benefits. In Baldwin et al.’s study (2022), these principles guided the authors in securing informed consent, reducing harm, fair participant selection, and equitable benefit allocation. They also provided additional support, acknowledging participant vulnerability. “The authors ensured participants were well-informed and took steps to minimize potential harm, while also ensuring fair benefits distribution.” (Baldwin et al., 2022)

Adriana Mendez
Hello class,
I think it is possible to protect the vulnerable population in research studies as long as all four ethical principles are fulfilled. In the nursing world, the care of patients is held to the highest standard. Nurses are to care for all with the same level of respect and fairness. Nurses must also advocate for patients best interest while using their knowledge and expertise. Autonomy, justice, non-maleficence, beneficence, are the ethical principles a nurse must follow to ensure moral obligations and support patient ethical rights. Nurse obey to moral obligations while considering other factors such as social factors, religion, beliefs all while simultaneously delivering evidenced based practice care. Healthcare professionals deliver care that is evidenced based and researched in extensive studies that are of credited value. My best assumption is that when these studies are being developed and if a vulnerable population is involved, these ethical principles are being held to their highest standards.

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whether or not it is possible to protect vulnerable groups in research.
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