Select one of the following cable channels: TBS, HBO, CNN, BET MTV, and Bravo. Conduct some research to answer the following questions: How can we look at the development of this cable channel to understand how the politics of the mass audience changed in the late 1970s and 1980s? What is the origin of this cable channel? Who or what companies founded it? Based on our studies of network television, how did this channel attempt to re-imagine the concept of television and its mass audience? How did this emergent channel advertise itself to new audiences? How did the channel use advertising (commercials, magazine spreads, etc) to develop this new audience demographic? What type of programming dominated the channel in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s? What can we learn about changing ideas about audience demographics and the representation of social identities through these programming shifts?
Use two outside reliable sources
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