My definition of cultural humility.
My definition of cultural humility is the ability to accept all the experiences I will have as
an individual will be different from what other people will experience. Therefore, with this
understanding, I am able to draw judgments regarding other people who from different cultures
since they have reasons to do things the way they do. Cultural humility will help me to be able to
know how to cope with other people through the conversation I will have with them regarding
their identity.
Kirst-Ashman and Hull textbook describes cultural competence similarity and
According to Kirst-Ashman, cultural competency is described as the ability to learn and
build different skills which will help an individual be able to fit in a culturally diverse
community. Many things are supposed to be included when checking on cultural competency.
These include history, verbal and nonverbal communication styles, history, customs, traditions,
amount of family engagement, and many others, (Fisher-Borne, et al, 2015). The two authors,
Kirst-Ashman and Hull (2018), emphasize the advantages of having cultural competence. When
people accept their traditions, views, and beliefs, it becomes easy to learn and build abilities
within each other. This is going to have a positive impact when it comes to the handling clients.
Skills necessary for developing cultural awareness as a social worker.
Cultural awareness is very key for a social worker; through this, it will be easy to work
effectively with different people despite the cultural background that they are from. It is also
essential for one to build the foundation of cultural diversity through having cultural humility, as
through this, working to bring positive change will be easy. Social workers are also supposed to
understand that they are not supposed to be cultural specialists to be able to tackle and engage
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clients from other cultures; they are instead supposed to make sure that they are creating their
own cultural experiences from the skills that they acquire while interacting with diverse people.
This is because social workers’ and clients’ relationship is supposed to be built on collaborative
efforts to achieve clients’ goals at the end of the session.
Fisher-Borne, M., Cain, J. M., & Martin, S. L. (2015). From mastery to accountability: Cultural
humility as an alternative to cultural competence. Social Work Education, 34(2), 165–181.
Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Empowerment series: Understanding generalist
practice (8th ed.). CENGAGE Learning.
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