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Module Three: Journal Entry

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

OL-665-X2120 Lead/Manage Not-For-Profit Org 23TW2

Dr Gaye Warren

December 20, 2023

Main Elements of Information

I have already arranged interviews with people from the society’s prestigious ‘Community Aid Initiative’. And speaking more and more smoothly with Sarah Johnson, the intelligent Outreach Program Manager and Mark Thompson is an eager volunteer coordinator. An agreed-upon date and time has been set for a busy phone interview with Sarah Johnson (Lukacik et al., 2022). At the same time, preparations are being made for an interesting conversation with Mark Thompson. It may be performed live, in a convenient place where the two agree to go, or it can happen by Zoom on a set day and hour. They engage in these discussions to delve more deeply into their priceless insights and contributions to the initiative’s tremendous work.

Incorporating Research

The interviews required much research on my part. I flipped through the organization’s website, scrutinizing mission statements and current programs/results. I also looked at news reports, government publications, and the websites of professional organizations (Nilsen et al., 2020). This experience allowed me to get a better sense of the culture inside my organization and how it does things operationally as well.


Developed Interview Questions

Core Questions:

1. How does the organization communicate its internal intent and strategy?

2. How does the organization carry out its external ads and plans?

3. How does it raise its funds?

4. How does the organization attract and retain volunteers?

5. Does the company plan to grow or stay put?

6. What are the long-term goals of this organization?

Additional Questions:

Sarah Johnson:

1. What is strategy in the field of organization’s community activities?

2. How have you overcome the obstacles in preparing programs?

3.  How do you believe increases in the effectiveness of its initiatives can be realized?

Mark Thompson:

1. So, what interesting observations can be made about volunteerism and its place in the environment of advocacy?


Jöhnk, J., Weißert, M., & Wyrtki, K. (2020). Ready or not, Ai comes— an interview study of Organizational Ai Readiness Factors.
Business & Information Systems Engineering,
63(1), 5–20.

Nilsen, P., Seing, I., Ericsson, C., Birken, S. A., & Schildmeijer, K. (2020). Characteristics of successful changes in health care organizations: An interview study with physicians, registered nurses and assistant nurses.
BMC Health Services Research,

snhu interview journal
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