Assignment # 1: Action Plan for Integrating Technology into the Language Arts Classroom, 20 points, Due week 4
Needs or problem statement, i.e. a description of whether the proposal is addressing a need or solving a problem and a description of the
target student population ( grade or age levels, ability levels, learning styles, developmental needs, ESOL/LEP) that the proposal addresses;
Project description, i.e. a narrative description of goals, objectives, activities, timeline, and materials and a summary table;
Role description, i.e. a statement of role and responsibilities of the proposal instructor and developer;
Support needs statement, i.e. based on school data (e.g. School Improvement Plan), a description of what school support is needed (equipment, software, training, teacher and staff collaboration) as well as community support that is needed (parental involvement and community mentors);
Evaluation design, i.e. a narrative describing the method used to determine if learning goals and objectives have been achieved; narrative describing method used to determine if the state’s curriculum standards and the state’s Elementary Education Competencies and Skills in Language Arts and Reading have been met.
Budget, i.e. a narrative explaining item costs and a budget outline listing instructional materials and equipment needed for proposal implementation;
References, a listing of journal articles or other documents that support the proposed ideas. (Minimum of 3 references, one of which can be the course textbook.
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