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posting in the Philosophy Forum.

The goal of the Philosophy Forum is to engage positively, share your experiences, thoughts, and contribute to the social and personal development of all learners. Posting in the forum each week will help you to synthesize the reading material, share your thoughts and provide a platform for important questions. This is the best way to engage with the community and is a required weekly activity. There are two types of engagement with the Student-Centered Philosophy Forum:
Yikes! I don’t get this!: Some of the readings and lectures will have unfamiliar terms and ways of thinking. This is the place to post your weekly questions to the instructor and the class. For these posting always place Yikes! In the subject. Your instructor will answer every question you have in a timely manner. For instance, Yikes! What does “teleological” mean?! Just feel free to ask anything and get whatever help you need. Posting questions is not required, but it is a great way to learn.
Wow, here are my thoughts! Is a required weekly forum post: Wow, here are my thoughts! Everyone in this class has a wealth of experience. How can you connect the readings, lectures and/or ideas presented this week with some aspect of your life? Sometimes the ideas may make you think of your own experiences. Sometimes they may connect to your work and people or patients or customers you interact with. Sometimes they may lead you to question things in your own background. This is the place to post your reflections, your musings, your questions, your observations, anything you want that makes a connection to your own life and your work. For these posting always place Wow! In the subject.

The post posting in the Philosophy Forum. appeared first on Scholarly Solutions.

posting in the Philosophy Forum.
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