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Methodology and Ethics Discussion

Textbook Reading: Roberts, C. M., & Hyatt, L. (2019). 
The dissertation journey: A practical guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rded.). Corwin Publishing Co. ISBN-
 9781506373331. Read Chapter 3.

Discussion Question:
Must be at least 300 words.

After reading the suggested chapter on ethical considerations, review the dissertation example that you selected during the earlier modules and review any areas where you believe the researcher and/or writer showed ethical consideration or lack thereof.

Briefly explain the researcher’s ethical decisions in the reported dissertation process and how this effectively supported the truth in the findings. Provide examples from the dissertation so your peers and instructor can evaluate the strength of your claims.

Discussion Question: Must be at least 300 words.

Where could the researcher have improved in his/her methodological design regarding ethical considerations? Provide specific examples from your selected dissertation.

Methodology and Ethics Discussion
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