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effective oral communication skills.

effective oral communication skills.

Assignment 2: Oral Communication Skills, Part 2 (Graded)
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Weight: worth 20% of your final grade for this course.
Type: Individual
Purpose: To review key ideas to foster effective oral communication skills
Please complete the tasks below and submit the requested documents to your dropbox folder before the due date.
Effective meeting: Watch this meeting (7:12 – 10:25 minutes) and address the following questions:
A. Roles and communication styles
Do the following roles exist in this meeting setup? If any, who in this video are taking the roles below? If the names are not known please describe them by their attire (e.g., the person in blue shirt).
Facilitator/ Leader
Please pick any participants of your choice in this meeting and describe what is the person’s communication styles (i.e., intuitive, functional, personal, or analytical)? Why do you think it is their communication style?
B. Meeting documents
Based on the information in this video, please create the following for this meeting. If the names of attendees or a few necessary information to this meeting are not known, please make them up.
An agenda
A meeting minutes
Hint: For the proper layout, please see the following examples
Staff Meeting Agenda (PDF) and Staff Meeting Agenda (DOC)
Meeting Minutes (PDF) and Meeting Minutes (DOC)
in chapter 13 of your textbook (Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office); P.259 and P.263.
Submission: Submit the following to your instructor as directed:
“Roles and communication styles” in MS Word
An agenda in MS Word
A meeting minutes in MS Word
View the grading rubric for this assignment.
Due on Dec 21, 2023 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Assignment 2 Grading Rubric
5 points
4 points
3 points
Needs Improvement
2 points
1 point
Criterion Score
Part 1-A (Roles) is well addressed
Score of Part 1-A (Roles) is well addressed,/ 5
Part 1-B (Communication style) is well addressed
Score of Part 1-B (Communication style) is well addressed,/ 5
Meeting agenda has all the necessary components and has a proper layout
Score of Meeting agenda has all the necessary components and has a proper layout,/ 5
Meeting minutes has all the necessary components and has a proper layout
Score of Meeting minutes has all the necessary components and has a proper layout,/ 5
Products are neatly completed, and the format meets the principles of a reader-friendly document. It is evident that this is their best work
Score of Products are neatly completed, and the format meets the principles of a reader-friendly document. It is evident that this is their best work,/ 5
Score of Assignment 2 Grading Rubric,/ 25
Overall Score
Level 5
21 points minimum
Level 4
16 points minimum
Level 3
11 points minimum
Level 2
6 points minimum
Level 1
1 point minimum
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effective oral communication skills.
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