Describe an ethically challenging situation that you experienced in which you spoke up. and one in which you did not speak up. What did you do (or not do), and what was the result in each case? Which individual moral philosophy(-ies) guided your decision in each situation? What situational/organizational factors were present that influenced whether or not you spoke up? How did you feel based on the outcome of each situation?
Note: Your submission should be 3-4 double-spaced pages in length (1 inch margins and font size 12).
Individual Paper |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
Description of two ethically challenging |
20 to >10.0 pts Full Detailed description that |
10 to >0.0 pts Response is somewhat vague, |
Opts No points No response is provided in |
20 pts |
Description of how the moral |
40 to >20.0 pts Full Identified and described |
20 to >0.0 pts Provided explanation but did |
Opts No points No response is provided in |
40 pts |
Identification of situational/organizational |
40 to >20.0 pts Full Clearly identified and |
20 to >0.0 pts Identified factors without an |
Opts No points No response is provided in |
40 pts |
Total Points: 100 |