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comparing different types of statistical tests and their applications.

1. Each answer should contain four parts.
In PART 1: you should justify the type of statistical test used and state ALL hypotheses for the analysis.
When answering this section you should consider what variables are used. If it is problem that compares mean then what are the independent variables (IV’s) and dependent variables (DV’s how many levels of each IV, are the levels between subject or within subject? If you are examining a relationship then what is being predicted and what are the predictors? If you are examining association then which variables are being associated?
Be explicit in why you chose the test you chose. For example, if you have a 2×3 factorial ANOVA it is not good enough to just state the test you chose.
PART II should include your JASP output. You are encouraged to include an exploratory graph from JASP to help you understand your analvsis. PART IlI should contain a written passage USING APA FORMATTING to describe your results and conclusion. Be sure to report the appropriate descriiptive statistics of the data being analyzed, state the results of the statistical tests performed, and make a concluding statement regarding the applications of the results found. An example of this section is provided below. You will find the “Reporting Results” Power Point file posted on the Moodle site to be helpful.
PART IV – IF the problem contains questions other than those related to the data analyses, e.g. questions regarding the design of the study, put the answers to those questions in a separate section labeled Part
IV. If no additional question is included just mark Part IV as “N/A”

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comparing different types of statistical tests and their applications.
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